This series explores adolescence boiling with passion framed by the military context of cadet camps. Teenagers who think they know, who obey, and others who simply don't care. Everyone, gathered and sitting around the same bonfire. Uniform and conformity collide with self-exploration and rebellion. It is this contrast that caught my eye to illustrate puberty and the quest for meaning towards adulthood. Having been a cadet myself, I only began to explore my identity when I left the cadet movement at 18 years old. I felt like I had missed out on something I could never get back: the blind confidence of my blissful youth. Many years later, as an adult, I visited the military base of Valcartier and multiple survival exercises in the woods to portray a generation of cadets and their quest for identity.
This series was awarded a Magenta Flash Forward both in 2013 and 2015.